Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Reflecting on 2009

I sit here on the night before New Year’s Eve, reflecting on the year that has slipped by so quickly. It almost feels like it went too quickly, like nothing monumental happened. But in fact, that is so very far from the truth. Agency for Surrogacy Solutions, Inc has been privileged to play a part in creating so many families this past year – families that would never have existed without surrogacy, egg donation, assisted reproduction. My heart is full of love for the incredible women who help us (those who cannot have children the so-called ‘normal’ way) and with every life that our agency was fortunate enough to have played a hand in, our glass is that much fuller. I look at my own children – now 10, 4 & 3 and I am so very very humbled to be their mother. I never thought infertility would become such a big part of my life and while I was going through, I only wished for it to end. And now I realize that it will never end and I am thankful for that – because it has brought such meaning to my life. It has made me stronger, more compassionate, more dedicated… and by far, a much better mom. To those of you who are surrogates or egg donors – you are amazing. To those of you who are parents via surrogacy or egg donation – you are warriors (remember eye on the prize!). And to those of you in the throes of infertility right now… you are not alone. Open your hearts and allow others to help. We’re here and we’ve walked in your shoes. Here's wishing us all a prosperous, peaceful and fertile 2010! Lauri & Kathryn

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

What is the process of becoming pregnant via Gestational Surrogacy

The medical procedure for the Embryo Transfer (ET) to the Gestational Surrogate (GS) is similar to having a Pap smear. In most cases it's pain-free. First, your menstrual cycle and the menstrual cycle of the Intended Mother (IM) or Egg Donor (ED) are synchronized using birth control pills and daily injections of Lupron, a drug that suppresses ovulation. If it seems scary, don�t worry! Everyone who has been through the process feels intimidated at first. Often after the first few days they're amazed at how simple and relatively painless it is. The nurse at the reproductive clinic will talk you through the first injections, and we can always help you, too. You will also be taking Estrogen before the transfer, and the Intended Mother or Egg Donor (ED) will be taking daily injections of fertility drugs.

During this time, the development of the Intended Mother or ED's eggs is monitored by periodic blood work and ultrasounds. At the same time, the thickness of the lining of your uterus, which is crucial to the success of the Embryo Transfer, will be evaluated using blood tests and transvaginal ultrasounds. You can expect to visit the Reproductive Endocrinologist a few times before the Embryo Transfer in order to check your uterine lining for its readiness to receive the embryo. That exam is entirely painless. Three to five days after the eggs have been retrieved from the biological Mother (or Egg Donor) and fertilized with the sperm of the biological father (or Sperm Donor), the physician will transfer the embryos to you. As we've noted, that procedure is something like a Pap smear, and it's completed under sterile conditions. Depending on the physician, you may then begin progesterone injections and/or suppositories.

Many clinics require a period of bed rest after the Embryo Transfer. That can range from 12 to 72 hours. The Intended Parents will expect you treat the doctor's instructions seriously. If you need childcare to allow you to stay in bed, that will be provided as specified in your contract. Your contract will cover all such eventualities, so you will never have to worry about money to meet your surrogacy obligations. About 10 to 12 days after the embryo transfer, you'll get a pregnancy test. This will usually be done by drawing blood at the clinic or local lab.