Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Research study: Cross-Border Infertility Treatment (CBIT)

You are invited to take part in a research study exploring what motivates patients to travel to another country for infertility treatment and to learn about their experiences during treatment.

Who can take part?

Anyone who has gone outside their home country for infertility treatment, has access to the internet and is able to communicate in English.

What will you have to do?

The information will be collected via an individual email interview, to be conducted in the strictest confidence with your anonymity assured. You will be asked demographic questions (e.g. age, educational level) and 8 questions relating to your cross-border infertility treatment. These will be sent to you one at a time, and each question may be followed by supplementaryquestions. The whole email discussion is expected to be completed within 3weeks.

How to participate.

To take part in this study, please contact Steve Lui at the following confidential email address: cbit@hud.ac.uk.


This study has gained approval from the School Research Ethics Panel of theSchool of Human and Health Sciences, University of Huddersfield.Research team

Supervisors: Professor Eric Blyth, http://www2.hud.ac.uk/hhs/staff/shumedb.php

Address: School of Human and Health Sciences Harold Wilson Building, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate,Huddersfield. England HD1 3DH http://www2.hud.ac.uk/hhs/

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